Wolfe Waves And ZUP Full Package and ECN EA's (SEE 2 MORE Unbelievable BONUS INSIDE!)
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Wolfe Waves And ZUP Full Package by Bill Wolfe
Wolfe Waves And ZUP Full Package by Bill Wolfe includes pdf, MQ4 and EX4 files
Never before have the conditions been so favorable for an “educated” person to profit from trading the markets. The products are available for either bullish or bearish markets, and the computers and commissions are inexpensive. Online trading could be the opportunity of a life time for the “educated” trader. (Note the emphasis on educated.)
My name is Bill Wolfe and I teach a methodology that was nick named after me called the Wolfe Wave. I have taught it to amateurs and professionals alike. Many of the amateurs have gone on to be very successful traders. And the professionals–I wish I had the liberty to share their names–are well known in the financial community.
Successful trading is not a mystery like many uneducated people make it out to be. It is just like any other occupation in life. Once you learn it, you get paid for your skill. And just like any other occupation, your pay is commensurate with your education.
On the following pages I freely give you the rules and examples of my method. I do this so that you may examine the architecture and the accuracy. I can frankly say that about 99.9% of what I teach has been intentionally left out, including discriminators and one of the most important parts, how to identify the proper time frame. I can also say that after taking my course, you will be able to match the accuracy of the examples given.
ECN EA's :
100 pips before breakfast
Indicator : 100PipsSessionTimes (mq4)
Ebook : 100PipsV1 (Pdf)
If you're struggling to make money in trading... This Forex-killing strategy will have you beating the professionals at their own game...
In the next few minutes you are going to discover how close you really are to success in Forex...
Date: Thursday, August 4.
From: James Johnson, Trader
Dear Friend,
So you want to start trading Forex profitably?
That's great! Because I'm going to show you right now how to do it.
You're probably on this page for one of three reasons:
a) You're new to Forex and want to learn more.
b) You know a little about Forex and are ready to trade for real using a profitable strategy.
c) You have tried Forex - but you are not happy with your results so far.
Whichever of the above best describes where you are with your trading...you have now landed in the right place!
Without resorting to any sort of hype or fakery I am going to show you a simple strategy that will allow you to make money trading the Forex market (almost) every day...
You probably already know that Forex is the largest market in the world - where trillions (that's right, not billions, but TRILLIONS) of dollars change hands every day.
Because of the size of the Forex market you only need to capture a tiny fraction of what is available to start making some serious money.
I am going to show you a really, REALLY simple trading strategy that can allow you to make more money before you go to work on Monday morning... than you will make during the entire rest of the week!
But I'm going to warn you now...
I'm not going to give you hype. I'm not going to try any sort of marketing "tricks" (Hell, I don't even know any - I'm a trader, not some young internet marketer).
In the last few years there have been some "questionable" Forex products on the market - some have simply been over-hyped while others have been outright scams.
For this reason the Forex market generally has a bad name on the internet. Too many new traders have fallen victim to devious internet marketers - not to mention blatant fraudsters!
It's not the fault of the hopeful traders who buy their products. The Forex market can be a daunting place to new traders and so when first starting out it is almost impossible to know who to listen to.
It is a real shame that there is such a negative view of the Forex market. The Forex market is a very legitimate way to earn an extra income. Thousands of traders do it.
You may be approaching the Forex markets as a way to earn extra money - or your ultimate goal may be to become a full-time trader. Whatever you want to achieve in Forex...
Many people see the Forex market as some sort of wild beast that can't be tamed. But nothing could be further from the truth!
I am going to reveal a strategy to you and PROVE the Forex market can be traded simply, easily, and most importantly - profitably.
There is no extra knowledge required (I provide everything you need).
You don't need any "fancy" software (we use pure price - just like the professionals do!).
Many new traders pay thousands of dollars for courses and seminars on how to trade. There is nothing wrong with that... IF you get the value that you paid for!
Unfortunately most of the courses out there usually can't justify the high price-tag. Almost all the courses spend most of time on the real basics.
The problem is... most new traders know a good amount of the basics already. These traders end up paying for something that they already know!
You want simple, right? That's exactly what you're going to get.
You don't believe me? Take a look at this...
This is an actual trade I took with the strategy. It's not some "cherry picked" example that I found by looking through a year of data.
No. The above trade is one of my personal screenshots that I keep for each trade I make (yes, I keep screenshots of my trades - and so do the other professional traders I know!).
Does that chart look really simple? Yes. That's because it is simple! There is no need to make the Forex market complicated.
Too many people forget what the Forex market actually is. It's just buyers and sellers exchanging currency based on which way they think a currency is going to go.. There are no "mystical" things happening. There are no "secrets".
The Forex market is just people buying and selling. It's this fundamental rule of the Forex market that my strategy is based on.This is why the strategy is so simple.
Probably the feature of the strategy that most new traders love is the extremely low-risk entries.
The strategy picks specific, critical points in the market that offer us huge potential rewards, but more importantly, absolutely minimal risk.
Take a look at another chart from my own trade collection...
These charts are typical examples of the trades that the strategy makes. There is no faking of numbers or results - there are actual examples of real trades.
Here is another trade...
As you can see from the examples above - my charts are pretty clean. There are no additional indicators to "help" you - like they ever do help - they just end up confusing you!
When you fill your chart with indicators you end up with the inevitable ANALYSIS PARALYSIS!
You have so many different pieces of information on the chart that they all end up conflicting and you have no clue whether to buy or sell!
Maybe you "feel" more comfortable having indicators on your charts. And that's fine, I've been there, but...
You will finally free yourself of indicators and start trading with the professionals.
One of the greatest things about the the strategy is that there is absolutely no experienced required.
The strategy is easy for everyone to understand - and I go out my way to make sure that you understand every little detail. I want you to succeed.
This is why I want to share my trading strategy with you - the strategy is called 100 Pips Before Breakfast™. I am a trader first and foremost and so I'm not going to do some sort of "hard sell" on 100 Pips Before Breakfast™.
I know a lot of traders, both new-comers and old-timers, and know inside-out the problems that traders face. Particularly new traders.
When starting out trading the information on Forex can be overwhelming. There are people climbing over each other trying to get to your attention.
These people are real traders, fake traders, brokers, internet marketers and just plain scammers.
These people are trying to sell you systems, courses, advice, tips, signals, robots, auto-traders, black-boxes, brokering services, ... the list is endless!
There is just so much out there. Ask yourself...
You're not learning to trade Forex to become a millionaire overnight are you? You, like most new traders, are hoping to attain additional income to your job. But you secretly hope that you can quit your job in spectacular fashion and become a full-time trader.
Well I am going to tell you the truth here. This IS possible. I know plenty of people who have done it. But more importantly I know HOW they have done it.
Like I've said before, the market is not some big, scary animal you need to try and tame. By having a simple, solid and proven strategy to trade Forex you can do what you've always dreamed.
Having a solid trading strategy is all you need.
I am here to teach YOU such a strategy. 100 Pips Before Breakfast™ is one of those strategies that many people have managed to trade well enough that they were able to finally quit their mundane jobs.
I need to get serious here now...
How much longer are you going to continue throwing your hard-earned cash at Forex products that promise the world but fail to deliver?
Listen, you only have so much time on this earth, it's time you took a step back and look at where you are in your trading.
You're not getting the results you want, right? You're jumping from system to system. You're not sticking with anything for very long. Why? I know why...
The results you're currently getting are not consistent. The systems and methods you are using are not good enough for you to be confident in them.
If you're ready to take your Forex trading seriously then I can help you. But you have to be ready for a strategy that works.
The previous systems and methods you used, more likely than not, were not solid. They may have worked - but if they have periods where they result in lots of losses - they are impossible to trade.
You want consistency?
I know you do. Everyone wants consistency in their trading but not many strategies can truly offer this consistency.
Because of the low-risk, high-reward nature of 100 Pips Before Breakfast™ it is a consistently profitable strategy.
You've seen in my trade screenshots that I posted earlier how simple the charts are that you will use to make profitable trades.
I will also show you how to use the charts to get into the market when it is likely to make a big move..
...and when to stay out of the market when nothing is likely to happen.
This is where most other systems and methods fail - they don't tell you when NOT to trade. Not only do I tell you how - I tell you WHY.
The strategy is simple - actually, it's very simple. But I will take you from the very beginning and lead you step-by-step to make sure you fully understand every little detail.
Your success is pretty much guaranteed! I will show you...
- Precise, lazer-accurate entry techniques for getting into trades with the absolute lowest possible risk.
- Which timeframes will give you the lowest risk and how to trade them.
- How to control your risk with pin-point accurate stoploss placement.
- A whole range of exit strategies for any market condition.
- When to grab your profit and go... and when to let your trade run and suck up hundreds of pips.
It's crunch time. This is the critical point where those who can't walk the walk and are not serious about their trading careers leave...
...and those who want to master the markets and finally start extracting huge profits from Forex every day join the elite group of profitable traders.
This is your call to action!
Are you going to be beaten by previous internet marketers and system sellers who dishonestly sold you something they knew was a lousy product?
Or do you want to finally beat them at their own game and show them how easily YOU can make profits in Forex with a simple, proven and reliable Forex strategy?
I'll tell you in just a minute - but first I'd like to ask you a few questions...
How much is your freedom worth to you?
How much would you pay never to have to go into work again?
I can't promise you that you can quit your job tomorrow - of course not. But I CAN promise to teach you a trading strategy that will probably provide you with the closest thing you will ever have to being able to do that!
Once you start making consistent, highly profitable trades with 100 Pips Before Breakfast™ you will then realize how much this strategy is truly worth.
I could charge as much for 100 Pips Before Breakfast™ as ANY of the other systems, methods and courses out there and still be offering more value - not to mention a greater chance that you will succeed as a trader.
There are courses out there that cost $10,000+...
There are systems that charge you $500 per month just to "rent" their indicator!...
I'm a trader, not an internet marketer, and so I initially priced 100 Pips Before Breakfast™ at $200 - which is unbelievable value.
However, as a trader, I easily forget that $200 is still a good deal of money to some people. And my number one priority is getting this strategy out to those people who deserve it.
$100 seemed much more reasonable and so I set the price at that.
I then thought, hell, I want absolutely EVERYONE to be able to access this. So I've slashed the price so that I am practically giving it away! I have dropped the price to a ridiculous... $27.
fx cash formula
FX Cash Formula
Basic Version : FX Cash Formula (mq4)
Extreme Version : FX Cash Extreme (mq4) - Upsell Item
User Guides (pdf)
The FX Cash Formula is one of the only systems in the world, capable of making $5,832 profits in 3 trades:
These are REAL trades our clients take .. every day!
We are sick of all the trading systems that promise you consistent profits ..
.. and in fact give you a lagging indicator at best, that stops working the minute you try to trade with it.
The FX Cash Formula is nothing like this.
What you get is ONE leading trading tactic you can use TODAY, to cash in fx profits.
This is not:
What it IS is a package of super-profitable patterns that makes profits for anyone that knows them, and will make profits for you!
What you are about to see is the best of the best of trading tactics..
The pattern that gives you leading and high-accuracy signals so you are BOUND to profit!
ATTENTION: We don't promise you 100% hit rate. No one can promise you that - and if anybody claims such hit rate he is a liar.
The truth is, you don't NEED to be 100% right to be profitable. I
It is enough to be 85% .. or even 75% profitable to have a great up-rising equity curve that will protect your financial future.
Our job is to make money! not to try to guess where the market goes.
Nobody can know 100% of the time where the market will go ... but using several patterns, YOU will start to extract consistent profits from the markets!
This is the only leading pattern that gives you 85% accuracy rate .. this means that more than 8 out of 10 trades are profitable.
I know how frustrating it is, to trade a system that is unreliabe.
How it is to take to take and lose trade after trade .. with big drawdowns, and after a long trading day to see that you've made only 10 pips profits in 28 trades!
I decided to put an END to it, and to design a system that gives me only the best trading signals!
This is exactly what FX Cash Formula is all about.
It's a known fact that most robots are indicators lose money.
Trying to formulate a 'secret algorithm' that generates automatic signals .. is simply impossible.
The markets are much more complicated than this, and turning the price-action into automatic trading FAILS, time after time.
Let's face it, have you ever seen just ONE robot that was profitable for more than few weeks?
And most likely you'll never see one ... because such robots do not exist!
The real consistent traders don't use robots .. they use their mind. And this is what you should start doing, if you want to really profit.
Luckily for you, you don't need to re-invent the wheel.
We already found the best and most consistent trading patterns, FOR YOU - so all you need to do is follow our blueprint and profit!
You DON'T need to be a Forex pro to trade profitably with this system ..
In fact ..
You don't need to have any Forex experience.
The FX Cash Formula indicators automatically analyze the markets and look for the profiteering opportunities, all that's left for you to do is to PULL THE TRIGGER.
The FX Cash Formula is a trading system that is universal and based on principles that profit in any market.
It generates stable and consistent profits in:
FX Cash Formula.ex4
FX Cash Formula.mq4
Pdf user’s manual.
Completing units:
Wolfe Waves And ZUP Full Package and ECN EA's
Market Sales Price: $299
Delivery to your PayPal email address within 24 Hours of payment confirmation.
Market Sales Price: $399,but we sell lot more lower than that to share the opportunity with you!
Serving Professional Traders Since 2008&