The Detrimental Factor To Being Successful With Options
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The reality is that 80% of all investors struggle to make money in their first few years. The majority of them fail to ever make money at all!
Here are few reasons investors cite for their failure:
- Not reading the right books
- Not being in the right club
- Not risking enough capital in a trade
- Not doing thorough research
Over the years, I have talked with thousands of private investors seeking to achieve success in the stock and options market on their own. Investing in the financial markets is often a solitary journey because you likely don't know anyone that is actually successful in the market or discussing personal finances is uncomfortable with people you don't trust.
Typically, one turns to a financial advisor for investing advice. Most financial planners have no clue about the financial markets or how to use even use options beyond the basics required for passing the certification exam. I know because I was a licensed financial planner and was often told put client money in simple funds that generally benefit the advisor and the fund.
To simply put it, their failure is because they're not learning from people that are successful and understand the market
"Find Yourself Successful Mentors"
My name is Joshua Belanger and I am the founder of
Like I mentioned above, I started my career on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and held various positions in the financial industry. I started October 2008 to direct people, like you, to take control of your investments and to create wealth without fear.
Since starting, I've seen a surge in recognition with both the company and myself being featured and quoted in the plubications below, but also from satisfied clients.
Because of my success I have made connections with very successful investors who once struggled, but now make consistent returns year after year.
In my courses and programs, I always advise that to be a success, you must surround yourself with success. Meet others who are active in the market and already learned how to make money in the financial markets. Learn from them!
I have personally been helped to gain a better understanding of myself as a private investor and mentor by listening to others talk about what actually works in the market. I believe it’s a critical part of learning how to be successful and be more consistent more often. It's a proven fact that you can mimic the success of a great investor and increase your chance for similar achievement. If you want to learn how to be consistent successfully in the financial markets, you need to learn from those who eat, breathe, and sleep the financial markets.
Why is it so important to learn from other successful investors?
Why can’t you just read a book and “get it?” It is because there are many different learning styles. The most common are visual, aural and verbal.
Reading a book about options is better than doing nothing at all. You can gain a good understanding of basic principles, concepts, and even some techniques. In fact, books are probably the best education value in the world.
Books, however, take time to read and absorb. In the highly regarded book on achieving success, “Think and Grow Rich,” Napoleon Hill devotes an entire chapter to a KEY principle that most successful people utilize. It’s called “The Mastermind Principle” and states that if you surround yourself with a group of successful people and learn from them directly, then you will tend to be successful far more quickly than if you try in isolation.
In his best-selling audio program, “The Psychology of Achievement,” Brian Tracy talks about a little-known principle in psychology and human behavior. It is called, “The Reference Group Principle,” and states that you become like the people with whom you surround yourself. Keep company with negative, unsuccessful people and you’ll begin to think, talk, and act like them without even realizing it is happening. Keep company with positive, successful people, and you’ll become more like them without even realizing it’s happening.
What would it mean to your investing success to listen to other investors talk about their detailed thought process in navigating today's volatile markets?
It's not always easy to find investors who are successful in the market and it's even tougher to become friends with them once you do. The successful investors in the interviews I will talk about in a second typically keep a low profile and enjoy the quiet freedom that their successful investing affords. My millionaire, hot shot friend, Timothy Sykes, is another story, but that's a story you need to hear him tell to believe.
I went out and invited a “Dream Team” of some of the most successful stock & option investors I know. It’s taken me literally years to make friends with this fantastic group of people.
Great investors are defined by one thing only; they are consistently profitable. I’ve been able to learn so much from these investors personally that I wanted to bring their insights to success to you. I've been able to benefit for these 1 on 1 conversations with these investors and now I'd like to offer you the same.
Each one of these private calls with these investors are immediately available for you to listen and are downloadable in mp3 format allowing you to listen to them anywhere. I’ve also transcribed each interview into a convenient and searchable document so you have a paper copy to take notes and reference in the future.
In these private conversations you will eavesdrop:
- How to create accountability for your individual investing
- How to approach investing in as few as three hours a day
- How to understand the secret tricks of market markers
- How to check emotions at the door and trade like a robot
- How to reduce risk so you don't blow out your accont
- Why emotions are a powerful component to your success
- How to select the appropriate technical indicators
- How to use stocks as options
- And so much more
What if one these topics changed the course of your life forever?
I know there is at least one thing that is covered in one of these conversations that can. I know because I have recieved such a great reasponse from a privalged clients that I allowed to listen to them (I posted what a few had to say further down this page). My goal is to provide you the best material in guiding you into becoming a savvy and more successful investor.
An investment in top-notch information like this is, above an, an investment in education. You could spend over $100,000 to go to a top MBA program and study finance, but theoretical finance knowledge won’t make you a better investor and honestly the most successful people I have worked with or know didn't attend a MBA program.
However, I want you to be the judge and jury.....
You could pay any of my investor friends their standard $350 an hour in coaching fees and learn pretty much the same things you will learn in these audios.
My millionaire friend Tim Sykes is hosting an upcoming private cruise that he is charging $10,000.00 to attend.
Truth be told, I would not lose sleep if I charged $1500.00 for these interviews because I've lost more than that in 10 minutes on a short-term investment. I know some of the tips & secrets talked about will pay for itself in the next 30 days for those that are quick to take action.
But..... I know that many wouldn't be able to purchase today and start benefiting from all the amazing insights from these experts and my friends.
I've sold these audios in the past for $297.00. But for a limited time I'm going to make the decision to access this interviews today a no brainer.
Investor Audios
Conversations with top 12 private investors and eavesdrop on how they are navigating today’s markets
What's The #1 Factor That The Top Minds Agree Is The Detrimental Factor To Being Successful With Options?
"Be A Fly On The Wall As These Savvy Investors Discuss Exactly How To Crush It In Today's Market"
Dear fellow investor,
Imagine yourslef sitting down 1 on 1 with the elite like Warren Buffet or Carl Ichan and be able to pick their minds about investing? How about asking for them to provide specific guidance on how to overcome your investing struggles?
What if you could get deep and personal with them and ask them if they ever struggled with a string of losing trades or how they prevent letting their emotions clout their judgment?
Or if they have let frustration cause them to experience intense anxiety, lose sleep or get angered quickly?
If you're like me, you've likely experienced these in the past or currently with today's wild financial market swings.
Once I left the trading desk at my last investment firm in 2008 to go on my own, I found myself isolated with my thoughts and anxiety.
Five years before that, I was working on the floor the busiest trading pit in the world at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Now.... I was in my home office with no one around to talk about trading or the markets.
Losing money is least fun part of investing, but holding those feelings inside and not being able to just talk about it with someone that understands investing and the financial markets makes it even tougher.
You could try talking to your spouse about it, but most of the time they just don't get it because they are not involved like you are.
You've probably in the past tried to build confidence in your position by scouring the media, or even turned to a non-financial savvy friend for advice, to find some validating information about the company you had a position in? Investors frequently look for evidence to support their view and stay in a losing trade with the hope that it will turn profitable.
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The Detrimental Factor To Being Successful With Options-optionsizzle interviews
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