*FX binary option scalper (Enjoy Free BONUS 60s Binary Extreme)
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Can Forex Binary Option Scalping Really Work?
Are You Craving The Fast Action, Multiple Winning Trades With
No Stop/Loss – Take/Profit Hassles of Other Types of Trading?
Guess What? After Months of Perfecting and Beta Testing – It's Here
And as The URL Indicates, It's Called The Fx Binary Option Scalper.
Forex Binary Scalping is a Radical New Method For Extreme Profits!
Once Again From The Desk of Trader Ed :
Dear Trading Partner,
I've been asked by many of my faithful clients to develop a system or method for the 60 second binary options expiry time. I've got good news and bad news. First the bad. Although it's just my personal opinion, I have come to the conclusion that technical trading using technical indicators to generate trades will just not work to produce any kind of accurate signals for the 60 second expiry binary option platform. In other words, I deem trading that expiry time is just pure luck and gambling!
ALERT : At the time of this writing, I have come across and decided to include as a bonus a very promising 60 second trading strategy which might cause me to have to eat some of my words above. One problem that I have found with the 60 second trading is that many binary option brokers do not have it available yet and those that do have limited pairs and times to trade it.
The good news is that I believe that I have come up with an excellent forex binary option scalping method that should satisfy you guys that want to be in the fast lane. This new scalping system appears to produce winning trade after winning trade with very few losers in the good market trading conditions as well as the weird market days. The most desirable pairs are available at our most desirable trading times for this scalping system.
An exceptional feature also is that it is very low risk as you never and I mean never have to have two trades open at the same time. Another feature is that although I recommend monitoring a few pairs, in 2 to 3 hours trading you can usually find all the trades you could possibly want on only one pair or trade any pairs you desire.
If none of this excites you or gets the adrenaline flowing, scalping the system might not be for you. It has been said that currency scalping is not for everyone, but I for one think it can be! What category do you fall into? Wanna be or Can be.
Forex scalping has been a passion of mine for many years. I have traded forex scalping methods for many hours and many days using the 1 minute time frame but the trades were never 1 minute long. They were more like 5, 10, 15 minutes or longer. They also required a whole bunch of stressful monitoring and super fast action that could really get on one's nerves. This can take it's toll on you and often leads to unrest in the home between family members.
Now I can honestly say there is a better way. Since online binary options trading came about in 2008 and now in the past year, many of us have combined it with currencies or better known as forex to make our trading a much more pleasant and I would go as far to say a more winning experience than it was before. And now I can safely say that this also applies to scalping.
Many traders and even potential traders prefer the scalping experience because you place your trade and within about 15 minutes or less you know the results. No long periods of anxiety or uncertainty while trading. Your trades will be generated on the MetaTrader4 – 5 minute chart but placed on the binary broker's platform and will expire automatically in 10, 15, or 20 minutes max. And the best part of it is, once you have the system down pat, most will be winners producing the kind of cash that you can take to the bank!
This trading system is easier than taking candy from a baby. It's a piece of cake! Walk in the park! Whatever you want to call it but again, the pics tell the story better than I do. Sorry for the cluttered charts but there are just so many darn trades that it sometimes seems ridiculous.
Scalping The EUR/USD First Few of Hours of the "NEW YORK SESSION"
Tell me, is this awesome or what? This continued for another couple of hours with 4 or 5 more trades, all with the same results! This scalping method simply makes the most money in the least amount of time. Think it's a fluke? Check out the next pic, different pair, day, week, session and month.
Scalping the EUR/JPY First Few Hours of "LONDON SESSION"
A dozen trades 1 hour before to 2 hours after the opening of the London Session. Eleven winners and one loser. To put this into perspective, trading $100. a pop, depending on your binary broker's payout, you are looking at approximately $800. profit in 3 hour time. I don't want to get into a lot of hype but you figure this out for say, 15 good trading days in the month out of more than 20 possible. I hope you get the drift. Let's look at another, different day, pair & session.
Hey, how is this for the unpredictable lazy Asian Session? Ten trades with nine wins in 3 hours for an awesome profit of over $600. bucks! Is it sinking in? I sincerely hope so because if you miss out on this one, you will be kicking yourself "you know where" for a long time to come. I'm telling you, it just don't get any better than this! I know I'm convinced, how about you? If you live in EST, it's just a nice little bit of recreation after dinner (trading for a living) YES!
Another 12 WINNERS during the lackadaisical Asian session. This is God sent for you guys and gals that can't fit in the first few hours of the London or New York sessions into your schedule. I sure hope your getting the picture (no pun intended). This is a complete variety of the trading times and days for our main pairs that we like to trade.
Can you believe this? The New York session from 12:30 in the afternoon until 3:45 in the afternoon! Granted it's the day before Good Friday holiday but that's the kind of markets we often have Friday evenings before closing and Sunday evenings upon opening and of course, the day before holidays. These are usually no, no trading times for most traders and systems but not for the Fx Binary Option Scalper! Twelve trades, all winners. What else can I say? This ain't hype. This is the real thing! I'm thinking, what will it do during the Christmas holidays? Only time will tell.
Couldn't Resist This Last Chart EUR/USD New York Session
If this don't blow your mind, nothing will! Let me explain : This took place Wednesday 4/11/2012 about 1 hour before until 2 hours after the New York session which is usually one of our ideal times to trade. Your looking at 12 winning trades in 3 hours. In most cases 1 expiry and one opening on the same candle. In other words never having 2 trades open at the same time which does wonders for lowering our risk factor with virtually no wasted time. A $1000. profit trading session risking a fairly conservative $100. per trade. If you look closely, you will notice that on most of them if we were slow getting in and only got in on the following candle, we still would have won most of the trades. In my humble opinion this is forex scalping at it's finest
60s Binary Extreme Nemesis
The system performs best in scalping on M1 and 5M timeframes.
Free Bonus Time! you will also receive a very promising 60s Binary Extreme Nemesis strategy along with indicator, template and instructions. I am not the creator of the system and full credit is given to the creator at the beginning of the User Guide.All this should keep you busy making money for awhile. Lighten up and make your trading a fun thing.
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