Hayabusa EA forex expert advisor (Enjoy BONUS Kirill Eremenko – Forex Money Management)
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Kondisi dan Peraturan untuk Penggunaan Indikator :
1. Pasang Buy hanya jika trend/channel semua naik
2. Pasang Sell hanya jika trend/channel semua turun
3. Waktu yang sangat cocok trading : 06.00 - 10.00 GMT dan 12.00 - 15.00 GMT
4. Pasang posisi saat channel berkebalikan mundur 2. sebagai contoh, pada indikator Secundo Channel semua menunjukkan harga naik. Trend harga real, telah turun memotong/melewati 2 bar/channel, maka pasang posisi sesaat trend real naik. Gunakan script dan EA yang tersedia (EA menyusul). Harus selalu diingat, OP hanya bila harga telah melewati 2 channel dan OP gunakan script dan EA.
5. Jangan pasang posisi bila channel tidak beraturan dan tidak pasti akan mengarah kemana.
Bila menggunakan dan patuh secara disiplin pada peraturan, maka kemungkinan profit bisa menjadi 95%. Loss hanya bila ada news ato event. Sekali lagi ditekankan oleh para guru dan mentor di Hayabusa : Profit telah terbukti selalu datang bila anda mengikuti peraturan.
Pada gambar, terlihat lingkaran merah adalah posisi anda OP yaitu saat channel menunjukkan naik, trend sudah turun 2 bar/channel. Sedangkan lingkaran biru menunjukkan semua channel positif naik. Saat EA Hayabusa digunakan dan OP menggunakan script Hayabusa, secara otomatis EA akan mengatur :
1. TP berkisar antara 6 - 11 pips (pada EU). Ini berdasarkan data dari beberapa hari terakhir dengan pengelompokan tiap jam, dicarikan secara otomatis oleh EA seberapa besar kemungkinan profit kita yang sangat mungkin didapat pada jam tersebut. Menurut para Master Hayabusa, berbeda jam OP, maka TP akan berbeda.
2. Stop Loss akan berkisar antara 13 - 15 pips. Kecil kemungkinan akan tersenggol oleh broker karena script mengaturnya sedemikian rupa dan juga script menyembunyikan dari pantauan. EA yang akan mengeksekusi karena SL juga terprogram dan terintegrasi antara script dan EA.
3. Smart Hedging strategy. Ini adalah strategi cadangan yang juga akan berjalan secara otomatis bila ternyata ada sebuah keadaan dan situasi yang berbeda dengan apa yang kita harapkan. Strategi ini akan mencegah kita dari kehilangan lebih banyak lagi. dilengkapi juga dengan script Release Hedging (akan dijelaskan kemudian dan mungkin ada kakak Master yang berkenan memberikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai Hedging, saya kurang bisa menjelaskan).
4. Secara tidak langsung, sistem juga mengatur MM kita dan memberikan kita banyak lot yang terpasang secara optimal.
Untuk Smart Hedging Strategy sendiri ada beberapa skenario yang dapat digunakan. Mungkin saya hanya bisa memberikan gambar-gambar skenario tersebut tanpa bisa menjelaskan secara detail karena keterbatasan ilmu.
Jadi sistem ini merupakan sistem semi otomatis. Dengan penggabungan seperti ini, prosentase 95% profit bukanlah mustahil.
BONUS:Kirill Eremenko – Forex Money Management
Name Product: Forex Money Management: Top $$$ Strategies for Forex Trading
Download Size: 113 MB
Author: Kirill Eremenko
Forex Money Management: Strategies for Forex Trading, Stocks, Futures, Options, Equities – all in one course
Important: The course is currently $149, but will next increase to $249 on 1 May 2015
Learn the EXACT Money Management strategies and techniques used by the top traders of the century!
Trading Forex? Stocks? Futures? Options? Equities? …… You NEED to know these strategies!
Take the unnecessary risk out of your trading! Simply by knowing and applying the strategies and techniques described in this course you will avoid over 50% of mistakes most traders make!
First, in this course you will learn the LEGENDARY Larry Willams method:
In 1987 Larry Williams won the wolrd cup of futures trading turning $10,000 into $1.1 million in 12 months using real money! In 1997 Michelle Williams Larry’s daughter won the world cup using the same strategy as her dad!
If you want to be a successful trader you HAVE to know at least this method!!!
Next, I will show you how to apply the Risk Management techniques describe by Ryan Jones in his book “The Trading Game”. We will look at actual case studies of how to apply this method to YOUR trading.
Then, we will compare the two methods and I will reveal to you their strengths and weaknesses. You will learn why and when you should apply either of the two!
Finally, and most importantly, we will talk about the Kelly Criterion.
Have you ever been in a situation when you weren’t sure what % of your deposit to risk on a given trade?? With this last method I show you will solve that problem once and for all!
The Kelly Criterion may seem rather complex if you research it on your own, but in this course I break everything down STEP BY STEP so that you can grasp the concepts extremely quickly. Same goes for all the techniques in this strategies in this course!
If you are just beginning your trading career, then this course will protect you from hundreds (if not thousands) of lost money – SAVE $. It will also save you time and effort researching all of this information on your own.
If you are a seasoned trader, a comprehensive Money Management arsenal is what can really take your trading to the next level.
Take this course now and start applying these techniques in YOUR trading today!
What you need to know:
*the initial low price of $149 will increase to $249 on 1 May 2015
*included for FREE inside is a unique Money Management strategy comparison tool
*this course is FULLY optimized for display on mobile and tablet as well as desktop
*you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, ever
*all future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always free
*there’s an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guarantee
*my help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question – my support is legendary in Udemy
Can’t wait to see you inside!
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Hayabusa EA forex expert advisor (Enjoy BONUS Kirill Eremenko – Forex Money Management)
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Market Sales Price: $89,but we sell lot more lower than that to share the opportunity with you!
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