Fractal Edge The Best Trading System in the World(Enjoy Free BONUS Fractal alerts indicator Dashboard 3.0 & BONUS)
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Fractal Edge The Best Trading System in the World
This is for the commodities/futures not forex.
Introduction to the Best Trading System in the World
Welcome to the Fractal's Edge. In this section you will be introduced to the commodities business and get a bird's eye view of how the Fractal's Edge works.
The Perfect Business
You are about to get into a business that gives you everything you've ever wanted from a business of your own. Roberts (1991) calls it the world's perfect business.
It offers the potential for unlimited earnings and real wealth, and you can run it working your own hours while continuing to do whatever you're doing now.
You operate this business entirely on your own, and can start with very little capital.You won't have any employees, so you wouldn't need attorneys, accountants, or bookkeepers. In fact, although you'd be buying and selling the very necessities of life, you never even carry an inventory. What's more, you'd never have collection problems because you won't have any "customers," and since there is no competition, you won't have to pay the high cost of advertising. You also won't need office space, warehousing, or a distribution system.
All you need is a personal computer and you can conduct business from anywhere in the world. Your business deals with the basic staples of everyday life: lumber, fuel, grains,meats, orange juice, sugar, cocoa, coffee, metals, currencies, and so on.
Individuals, small businesses, and giant corporations use these items every day of the year, so there always is, and always will be, a need for them.The commodities business doesn't suffer from hard times because it can flourish under any economic conditions. In fact, commodity exchanges have been thriving for centuries. Their purpose is to provide a means for the orderly transfer of commodities between buyers and sellers.Farmers, dealers, and manufacturers use the world-wide network of commodity exchanges to reduce the risks of future price fluctuations.
That's why only part of the exchange floor is devoted to cash sales of commodities for immediate delivery, and over 90% of an exchange's business is in futures contracts.A futures contract is an agreement between a buyer and a seller, where the buyer agrees to purchase and the seller agrees to deliver a specific quantity of a given commodity at a specified price in a definite month. The great thing about all of this is that it is your business that makes it all possible.
Purpose of the Course
The purpose of this course is to help you understand and use The Fractal's Edge,an innovative trading system for your commodities business. While this system is based on Chaos Theory, fractal geometry, and nonlinear mathematics, anyone can learn to use it. You won't need any special ability with math or computer programming.
This file contains the "brains" of the system and allows you to begin cashing in on your new trading knowledge.In the meantime, study this course in the order it is presented. It contains everything you need to know to profit from the information that The Fractal's Edge spreadsheet program will provide you.
Fractal alerts indicator Dashboard 3.0(Enjoy Free BONUS)
Pipware Dashboard 3.0
Detail setup manual for windows and MAC OSX, indicator and template will be send to you after paypal verification
In currency trading world, nowadays, more and more traders are turning to Forex auto trading robots for making money.
There are many advantages of using these automated softwares compared to manual trading.
Anyone who wants to earn a sustainable income from the Forex markets,
but don’t want to spend all their time in front of the computer monitor needs the use of automated trading softwares.
One of effective robots is MetaTrader.
MetaTrader, also known as MT, is an electronic trading platform widely used by online retail foreign exchange speculative traders.
It was developed by MetaQuotes Software and released in 2005.
The software is licensed to foreign exchange brokers who provide the software to their clients.
The software consists of both a client and server component.
The server component is run by the broker and the client software is provided to the broker’s customers,who use it to see live streaming prices and charts, to place orders, and to manage their accounts.
With MetaTrader trading software you will find everything that is necessary to become an interactive broker on the financial markets. Powerful and flexible back-office, modern front-end with advanced trading system,technical and fundamental analysis, automated trading (algorithmic trading) and mobile trading.Use MetaTrader to offer your traders one of the best Forex trading software.
Tactical trend trading strategies
In addition to this, we have some other things we are going to include with the course:
Sample trades will continue to be recorded and uploaded to the online version of the course, for the next few months. This will ensure that, through lots of repetition, the methodology will become very clear and easy to implement
My course on Support/Resistance will be included with this course. This course had a big effect on Kelvin’s trading.
A free follow up webinar in about a months time, where Kelvin and I will be on line with you to answer any questions you may have. This Q and A webinar will be recorded and we will add it to the online version
Another interesting fact you will hear about Kelvin is his great understanding of odds and probabilities. At the age of just 13 years old, Kelvin learned about horse betting from one of the most successful bettors of the time. He took Kelvin under his wing and taught him some valuable lessons that were a key factor in shaping Kelvin success. To this day, Kelvin still successfully bets on horse races.You will hear Kelvin talk about this person who mentored him, as well as other people who had a big influence on him. It’s a cool story, and I think you will really love it.
Kelvin's approach flat out works! I hope you will take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn from someone that has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is possible to attain consistent profitability by applying simple and time tested techniques.
Completing units:
Fractal Edge The Best Trading System in the World
Fractal alerts indicator Dashboard 3.0
Tactical trend trading strategies
Market Sales Price: $399
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Serving Professional Traders Since 2008
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