Forex Wealth Robot-expert advisor forex
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Forex Wealth Robot
Leaked to the public for the first time:
From the Desk Of: Duane Robbins
Location: The best party in town…
Dear Friend,
If the idea of trading Forex for two years straight with no losses…
four-figure-a-day profits (if you’re lazy)… and completely automated income… without a single keystroke on your part sounds like a fantasy…
… It’s not your fault – I don’t blame you.
We both know that with 99% of Forex-trading software, “systems” and “signals” out there… that’s just what it would be – a daydream.
After all, the statistic you always hear about forex is that 99% of traders fail – and fail hard.
But there’s that 1% who don’t fail – and if the rest of the competition is flat broke… it stands to reason that small percentage who make it must be doing more than “just okay” if…
“That Tiny 1% Is Slicing Up
A $4 Trillion A Day Market Between Them!”
No surprise – that 1% is almost entirely made up of the same investment banks who used to have the Forex market to themselves before the “little guys” were let in on the game in the ‘90’s.
See… for about 50 years these “big dogs” had the game all locked up – and they’re not about to make it easy for anybody to start chipping away at their profits.
In fact – the “dirty little secret” most FX dealers “forget” to tell you is…
“Almost All The Money In The Forex Market Goes To Just 10 Of The World’s Biggest Banks!”
And if these banks have been playing the Forex game for 50 years (and playing it for keeps – with billions on the line every hour of every day)…
It’s no big shock they’ve got it down to a science by now: Two years’ worth of no-loss, zero-drawdown trading? No problem.
So it’s not that the kind of mega-profitable Forex trading everyone’s always whispering about and chasing from “can’t lose” system to losing system is a myth…
It’s just that it’s a “high roller’s club” that doesn’t give out many seats at the table…
… and they’re sure not giving out their secrets for $97 to anybody with a credit card.
Not in a million years.
But before I start beating up on the FX “insiders”, I’ve got a confession to make…
“I Should Know – I Used To Be One Of Them”
For three years, I ran the Forex trading floor at one of the biggest firms on The Street (you’d recognize the name – they’re one of the “big 10” I hinted at a moment ago…
… and I was in charge of shuffling eye-popping sums of cash across the global currency markets day in–day out.
But pretty soon after I started, a new trend starting shaping up – the banks were all letting go the “boiler room” guys who worked the phones like one-arm bandits placing trades, and…
Replacing Them With Software…
Not just any “off the shelf” software, mind you – we’re talking pro-level “black boxes” put together by room-fulls of geeks with degrees from MIT and Caltech…
They called these guys “Quants” (fancy word for “nerds”)…
… And besides those guys, who came and went, there were just a few of us “management types” left – and our only job was to make sure the computers kept humming along making trades.
Thing is, the software they had us running on the trading floor now was so efficient… it didn’t really need anybody to sit around and “babysit”.
“It Was One Of Those ‘Good Problems”…
My buddies and I – the few “human employees” left on the FX trading floor at the bank – decided there was only one thing to do: party.
After all – what would you do if the bosses upstairs were having computer geniuses build software “killer apps” to do your job for you…
… and they were still throwing huge bonuses at you every few months?
We had to spend all that extra money and time somewhere – and we figured it might as well be strip clubs (full disclosure: not one of us had hit 30 – we were basically a bunch of overpaid frat boys)…
For a while, things were going great – we’d come into work in the morning… dutifully check in on the computer-trading stations to make sure they were still churning out trades – and the rest of the day was ours.
“But We Started Taking Risks”…
A couple months into our little arrangement, someone suggested we just “stay in” that day – the weather was crummy – and just have the strippers come to us.
Sounded great.
I mean, our division was cranking out so much cash for the bank (not to brag, but Forex is how Wall Street really makes its money – not stocks or bonds)…
… that no one ever bothered to “check in” on us at all. We had the run of the place.
But little did we know…
It Was All About To Come Crashing Down…
… Because that day, some of the “big bosses” from upstairs decided to pay a little visit to the trading floor to “show off” their little high-tech profit machine to some big-wig investors.
Just picture it…
And there we were in a room full of computers… million-dollar views over the New York Harbor… and about two dozen strippers working it while we sat back and relaxed, working our way through our second bottle of Blue Label.
Needless to say, we all had some very “interesting” conversations with H.R. later that day…
… but first, something happened that (although I didn’t know it at the time)…
Opened The Door Of Opportunity Wide For YOU…
… The Backdoor Into The Elite Club
But before I reveal how it happened (and why it’s going to change shatter the “insiders’ club” advantage)…
There’s an ugly trend I’ve seen lately in Forex – and before you read any further I want to distance myself from it with a ten foot pole…
Because I’m about to show you undeniable proof of something absolutely game-changing in a moment…
… and I want to let you in on something one of the bank’s software geeks told me about why the “proof” most Forex software marketers offer up is a sham.
I call it…
“The Great Strategy Test Fake-Out”
And nobody’s falling for it anymore – at least not the traders making real money.
Here’s how it starts – and how it’s already working to hurt you:
It begins when some guy in his mom’s basement cooks up the latest, greatest “Forex robot”…
What’s that you say? How does this guy know a successful Forex trade from a hole in the ground? Short answer: He doesn’t.
So Joe Forex Marketer pulls a nice little trick: He plugs his new creation into some “strategy testing” software and…
… spits out a nice-looking collection of “back-testing” to use as “proof” of how well it works.
The trouble is… if the results don’t look good enough – a few little “tweaks” are all that’s necessary to make it look like the software makes millions!
And that means… the typical “back-tested” proof you see with most Forex robots sold online is…
… No More Impressive Than Having
The Winning Numbers
For Yesterday’s Lottery
Now, I’m exaggerating a little about the whole basement-dwelling part (not much)… but the point is, by the time I found myself sitting there watching my boss’s open mouth as he stared around the room…
… I knew just what kind of unique software I was (literally) sitting on.
Not something that was cooked up to look like it could have… maybe made millions last year sometime… but was actually pulling down massive windfalls for my employers every single hour – LIVE.
And That’s When I Made A Snap Decision
That Changed Everything…
Keep in mind I knew I was about to be out of a job. But what I did next still seems crazy even to me…
While everyone was distracted with the strippers I turned around in my (seldom-occupied) office chair… slid my “thumb drive” into the computer workstation… pulled up the little “executable” file for the latest software our geek-squad had installed to run our in-house trading…
… and dragged the icon over to my drive.
“COPY?” the little dialog window asked.
I hovered the mouse over “YES” and…
The rest is history.
Unlike some of my former colleagues, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, so…
I had to either find another “real job” or start sinking into debt – so something had to give… fast.
But about a week into a thankless job search…
I made the second decision – a decision that made everything come “full circle” you could say.
You see, in the chaos of that afternoon I had almost forgotten all about the software waiting silently on my drive.
And bills were starting to pile up, so I admit it…
“I Uploaded The Software To My PC –
Just To See If It Would Work”
To my surprise (I have expected I might have copied the wrong thing in all the confusion)… it did work… and I promptly set up a trading account with an online broker...
… funded the account with just about the last of the savings I had left in the bank, and set it loose.
This time I didn’t go out to a strip club while it did its thing – I just sat there… waiting… not wanting to look at the screen.
But I don’t know why I was worried, really – I mean, this thing traded hundreds of millions of dollars an hour at work…
… so its effectiveness wasn’t based on some “back-tested” assumption about how it would perform – it was already proven.
Yet it still came as a jolt when I got up the courage to look at the computer again and – in the space of just a couple hours… the software had already turned a profit of over $500!
But before I go any further, I just want to advise you…
… If You’re NOT Interested In Retiring From Work (Like I Did That Day), You Should
Not Read Any Further
And that may sound like a big promise to make, but I was feeling pretty confident (on top of the world, really) after I kept the software running…
And here’s the kicker – the reason I promised you this would be different from anything you had seen in the “Forex robot” market so far.
That’s because…
In the two years since that first day I fired up my PC and started trading…
“It’s Traded Without A Single Loss!”
Now… you might be wondering why the bank hasn’t come looking for its software in all that time.
The answer’s simple – and it has everything to do with why your odds of success in the FX market just went up a notch or three:
“I Gave The Software Away”
I knew that if it was just me using it… the bank would probably track me down, quietly confiscate the “borrowed” software, and that would be the end of it. Nobody would probably even believe me when I told them about it.
But if multiple people were using it… I knew my bosses – they’d sooner pretend they never heard of the software rather than risk tipping off the general public one of their “crown jewels” was now on the loose.
(Who would pay them fat commissions after that?)
So I “recruited” a small circle of trust and brought a tight group of “beta testers” in on it, and even though some of these people had zero trading experience of any kind…
“Their Trading Results Were
As Mind-blowing As My Own”
Here’s what just a few of them had to say…
"Four Figures Profit Already"
"$10,000 In Profit Already"
"Student Loans Paid Off"
But I knew I needed more people to be sure of success in “covering my trail” and making sure this software became so widely used no Wall Street “fat cats” could take it back – ever.
And that’s why I’m finally
• No losses (zero drawdown) since 2006!
• True “Wall Street-grade” software – not a cheap imitation…
• Easy to install and use – 5 minutes of installation “work” are all that’s required to start trading from day one…
I’ve Seen Enough, Duane – Let Me In Now!
And like I said at the very beginning – this is truly like nothing you’ve seen before in the “public” Forex market – and now that it’s finally been leaked…
It really doesn’t matter if…
• You aren’t a computer genius (trust me, if some of my beta-testers, with zero experience, can do it – so can you)
• You don’t have a huge bankroll starting out (some of the “beta testers” started with as little as $50 in their accounts…)
• You don’t have time to trade “full time” (this is truly “set it and forget it” software – so you can literally let it run while you sleep if you want to – and as you’ve seen, it trades just fine while you go out and do other things – go shopping, hit a strip club, you name it)…
PLUS… By diving straight into profitable trading from day one (without all the drama of having to sneak it out of a Wall Street bank yourself) – you’ll almost immediately see benefits like…
• A HUGE market – bigger than the stock and bond markets combined (that means just bout unlimited liquidity and leverage so you can make money fast even with a low investment upfront – and cash it in whenever you want)…
• “Wholesale to the public” spread commissions (once you trade with a robot that doesn’t go out of its way to rack up commission fees, it’s much cheaper than trading stocks… bonds… options… or real estate)…
• Equal footing, right out of the gate – no unfair “insider trading” (unlike other markets, Forex can’t be “cornered” in the way big Wall Street brokers manipulate the stock exchange)…
• Recession-proof trading (currency gets traded at the same high volume in any economy, so you won’t get blindsided by a sudden “bear market”)
And once you see everything for yourself…
“You’re Finally About To Get Your Share Of The $4 Trillion Forex Market!”
Now, if you’re like I was when I first got a glimpse at what Forex Wealth Robot can do… you may be imagining what a piece of software like this would mean for your trading… not to mention your lifestyle from here on out.
And because I’ve already seen it – both on a Wall St. trading floor and in my own personal trading – let me give you just a taste of what this software means for you…
So Imagine This…
You get up, switch on your PC (the hard par of your day is already over…), power up Metatrader 4 and login to your forex brokerage account…
(Oh, yeah… except on the first day you’ll spend 5 minutes downloading and installing the software – after that, it’s smooth sailing).
And you’re done. Now, if you’re like me, and you actually like to work (a little bit), you can set up more than one account (I’ve got half a dozen, at different dealers) and “rinse and repeat” this same process as many times as you like.
But that’s up to you.
In fact, if you want to really take full advantage of Forex Wealth Robot… don’t even bother with the “switching on your PC” part: Just leave it to trade day in, day out like it was designed to do…
Now, before we go any further… let me just say that if you’re thinking…
OK, Duane – what’s this going to cost?
I’ve got good news for you: It’s not going to cost you anywhere near as much as you’re thinking…
Because this isn’t about money for me. Not really. I make my money as a successful forex day-trader, not in the software business.
So even though I’ve been pressured by the usual group of marketers to put a sky-high price tag of $997 or more on this to “set it apart from the worthless competition”…
… I think you already get just how different this is.
And so I’m not going to knuckle under to a three or four-figure price tag… and I’m not going to do what some “marketers” almost insisted I do and set this up as some kind of a “continuity” plan at $497 a month and up.
See, one of the benefits of being successful is doing what I want… and the last thing I want is to limit Forex Wealth Robot to only those traders with a high bank balance.
In fact, for as long as I can keep this offer online, all I’m going to ask for is a “show me you’re serious” one-time investment of just $77.
So the determining factor on who gets in… and who gets frozen out… won’t be a matter of money, but of recognizing opportunity and taking fast action – both qualities that I’m guessing you possess if you’ve read this far.
There’s a catch to this offer, though… but I think you’ll understand why in just a second. Because the fact is…
“I Can’t Offer The Unprecedented Level Of Support I’m Giving Away Free With This Software To Too Many People”
Even though you might not eve
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